
Scorpio this is your horoscope for today 02-12-2025

Today is a great day to be adventurous. The lady luck smiles on your fortune and whatever you do, you simply canメt do it wrong. If you wish to invest, this is a good time to do it. Expect to meet the true love of your life around the corner. Be cautious about your health though, you are prone to the eternal cough and cold attacks.

You have been thinking about bringing about a drastic change in your diet in the last few days, but were being held back by doubts. Today, all doubts will vanish and you will understand what exactly is needed for your own continuous good health. This can lead to a complete change in your lifestyle. The new way that you choose can appear unconventional and scary, but this is the right path for you.

For the last few days anxiety and doubts about your current or a prospective relationship had been occupying your mind. Today, all the doubts will be removed and you will be able to see your partner as well as the relationship in a clear light. You will be able to take a clear and informed decision about your love life.

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Scorpio Sign

Date range: : October 24-November 22.
Symbolizes: The transmutation, the renewal, the change, the mysterious, the occult forces, magic, death, destruction and regeneration, confrontations, the struggle, the challenges, the passionate dramas, the jealousies, inheritances, legacies, donations, difficult searches, and the dream.
Element: Water.
Season: Fall.
Character: Strong.
Pros: Are very thinkers and great counselors.
Against: Are something distrustful, envious and possessive.
Day of the week: Tuesday.
Color: Garnet or deep Red.
Planeta: Pluto
Perfumes: Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
Precious stones and metals: Iron, Plutonium, Opal and Ruby.
Most compatible with: Cancer and Pisces.

Daily Horoscope:

Horoscope free for all zodiac signs, free, exclusive, and complete with your expectations in love, healt, money, job… and daily astral tips.

See your personalized horoscope free daily before leaving home and know that they will bring the stars. All the information about your horoscope in relation to love, health and money. Get ahead of your future, reading our daily horoscope predictions. Discover what holds your day and face the decision and with good energy. You will achieve all that you propose.

Horoscope represents graphically the planetary positions at a given time; which normally is our birth. So to make a horoscope is necessary to know the date of birth.

In the horoscope the position of the planets in the solar system are represented, but also the positions that are making a division into 12 parts (one for each sign of the zodiac), what is commonly called “astrological houses”, the first being the so-called “ascending”, which depends on the area of the planet where the person consulting the horoscope born.

We all belong to one of the 12 zodiac signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Capricorn or Pisces. Each of them has different qualities that are characterized and distinguished from other signs.

All these data are essential to present these predictions that we bring every day. You know that the advice we give are general predictions are odds that can happen to you or not, because you can not know whether the interpretation we give it affects you specifically, or to another person of the same sign. Astrology is not an exact science, take these predictions as warnings, and not as a dogma to follow.